Collective Members


The Transmodern Age Collective is organized and curated by the Transmodern Collective, currently a group of six artists and cultural workers who volunteer their time and energy to presenting outstanding creative work to Baltimore City.

The Collective members have been very active participants in Baltimore’s creative community for several years both as organizers and artists. CHELA art space and collective, High Zero Foundation, Charm City Kitty Club, IE Poetry Reading series, The Red Room Collective, and Thimble are just some of the projects we’ve been involved in. We will be 501c(3) non-profit by Summer of 2006.

Collective Members

Rebecca Alvania

Bonnie Jones

Jackie Milad

Melissa Moore

Catherine Pancake

Ric Royer

>>> Ric Royer

Ric Royer tours regularly as a performance lecturer for the Performance Thanatology Research Society, a group dedicated to the advancement of higher histrionics since 1999. He wants to talk to you
about something. It has to do with fear. Come closer, this part he must be whispered. It's about us. Although you may be inclined tobelieve him, do not do so. He is lying, but he tries to do so gracefully, so what you decline him in trust, please indulge him in sympathy. Say to him, "I do not trust you, but I sympathize with you." He will appreciate that, and it will be just enough for him to move on to the next performance, the next stage. When he is speaking, he is speaking about love, death and the future.He has many theories. He has many songs and dances to accompany these theories. He is a lecturer, a philosopher, a song and dance man. There is a good chance that he may scream, but do not take it personally, he's just trying to feel something, just trying to "work
it out".

A CV and many of his words and works can be found on his website at


        © The Transmodern Age, Inc. All rights reserved