Collective Members


The Transmodern Age Collective is organized and curated by the Transmodern Collective, currently a group of six artists and cultural workers who volunteer their time and energy to presenting outstanding creative work to Baltimore City.

The Collective members have been very active participants in Baltimore’s creative community for several years both as organizers and artists. CHELA art space and collective, High Zero Foundation, Charm City Kitty Club, IE Poetry Reading series, The Red Room Collective, and Thimble are just some of the projects we’ve been involved in. We will be 501c(3) non-profit by Summer of 2006.

Collective Members

Rebecca Alvania

Bonnie Jones

Jackie Milad

Melissa Moore

Catherine Pancake

Ric Royer

>>> Catherine Pancake

Catherine Pancake is currently expressing most things through:

Black Diamonds: a documentary
about coal surface mining and radical community resistance in Appalachia.

Trockeneis ( a musical collective devoted to New Frictionalism - the boundary between extreme tempi and sonic continuity ("tone".)

The Charm City Kitty Club - (

Seeking the sublime and provocative from mulitple vantage points.....


        © The Transmodern Age, Inc. All rights reserved