Gallery 788 – DC vs BMORE and Out of Mind

OPENING RECEPTION: Thurs, May 2, 7-11 PM


DC vs. BMORE is a show to kick of an initiative to help bridge the DC and Baltimore art scenes. The two major cities will only benefit from a symbiotic relationship in a number of ways. Our hope is that the idea of this union will become contagious, sparking similar action throughout the DC and Baltimore area. The show features an array of artists from both Washington, DC and Baltimore.


Mild psychological disorders, formerly gathered under the catchall term “neurosis” have perpetually afflicted people from all walks of life. Out of Mind is an exhibition of contemporary artists that explore various states of mental distress by representing some associated neurotic actions or behaviors, such as depression, manias, phobias, schizophrenia, self-harm, anxieties etc. Many of the artists examine ways of coping with these ever-present human difficulties as well as contemporary social conditions portraying or evoking behavior that is commonly considered neurotic. The works of these artists strike chords of recognition, get at what it is to be human, and reach an existential inner core of personal experience. Their approaches to these issues are sometimes somber, debilitating, and often comic, but always thought provoking, adding to out greater understanding of mental instability and appreciation of the role that artists play in our culture.