The Mole Suit Choir

Mole suit

The Mole Suit Choir first erupted from the combustible elements of years of Rupert Wondolowski lurking just off camera, jotting down notes and lumpily humming as Liz Downing enchanted with stellar warbling in her many ensembles: Lambs Eat Ivy, Girls Ranch, Lurch & Holler and Old Songs all while painting steadily mythological innerscapes filled with grand creatures; Rupert wept with envy and plied his trade with books of hated poetry such as “The Origin of Paranoia as a Heated Mole Suit” and sang in She Bites, Furniture Falling Down the Stairs, Kneeling On Beans, Little Gruntpack and Magic Gurney Ride; eventually they spoke during an Edenic Shakemore Festival of blending their voices (Liz semi-paralyzed by the mind control jimson root that Rupert slipped into her felafel) and this idea caught fire and was given urgency by the passing of their mutual beloved friend, poet Chris Toll. “We must sing of glories past and those promised in all new breaths drawn. Burrowing beneath the fecund soil like cagey moles are the dreams of life eternal,” said Rupert gently adjusting the stolen handcuff on Liz’s wrist. “If you manage some harmony now and then I’ll sit on this wobbly carousel for a rotation or two,” Liz replied gesturing to Chris Mason and the park police. Liz and Rupert adorned themselves in pleasing tunics, found a comfy couch and vibrated their voices together for what they held dear.